Bubbles in a Jet Tub

I was instructed not to use bubble bath if I was going to turn on the jets in the tub. That was logical, as I can see the bubbles going all crazy and filling the bathroom. This caution for my bath made sense, until it didn’t. Until there’s a perfectly good reason to use the…

Reality. Check!

I have literally had the time of my life these last ten or so months. I have seen and heard and compiled more experiences that have filled me up more than anything else in my entire life so far. I completed all the goals I had for myself. I saw most of the people I…

That Social Media Life

Social media has changed the world. Literally changed the way we act, interact, share and engage with the entire planet. That is pretty amazing and we, as the human race, were ill equipped for this endeavor. Our global society, in fact, is still struggling with the management of such a deluge of information, interaction, engagement…