The Pants

First, let me just start by screaming at the top of my lungs: WOMEN’S PANT POCKETS SUCK!!!!! In fact, many women’s clothes do not even have pockets. They have these fake things that look like a pocket on the outside but are not a pocket in real life. Just a bunch of stitching and seams….

The Camp Stove

I believe I have arrived at the cooking configuration that will last me through this journey. I will not 100% commit, as I am still early in this thing, but I wanted to provide what I have learned or observed thus far.  My past experiences preparing food and meals at camp span the continuum. When…

The Tent

I bought my adventure tent last fall. I owned two other tents, wait, three other tents. One was a small, older one I used when my daughter was little. It was a two person and just fit the both of us and the dog. It was not fancy, and not water proof, but it got…

Storage Unit

This may not seem like an article about “gear”, but I really think it is an important part of this type of journey. I have written a lot about the emotional aspects of getting rid of my belongings, selling my house and all of that. This post is about the practical side of storing my…